AMAZING - and I'm not usually AMAZED by software. Ease of use and efficiency get a 10 out of 10 rating. First, it is soooo intuitive in how to use it (I have little patience for clunky software) that we used it for launching discovery without even having read the FAQs or had the onboarding Q&A call. … Within minutes it had read our complaint and drafted full sets of discovery to launch to multiple defendants in a multi defendant case. … [It] knew employment law questions to ask! … Talk about painless.

This software will also take defendants' BS answers with all their BS objections and create an Objection Buster Meet and Confer … with the push of a button … You can also include your client into the response and the verification signing process … Start the year off with a gift to yourself - Try it and you'll never look back!

Excerpts from a 1/15/25 post to the CELA Practice Management listserv

Product Comparison

Feature/function AI4Discovery Esquiretek BriefPoint LegalMation
Can create a case by importing the complaint
Allows creation of Form Interrogatories
Allows creation of Special Interrogatories, Requests for Admission, Requests for Production of Documents
Additional $199/mo + $35/mo for every user over 5
Automatically creates Declaration for Additional Discovery
Only if the 35+ Requests or Interrogatories are in the same set
Can use AI to create discovery on its own
Automatically calculates response and Motion to Compel deadlines
Can use AI to respond to discovery on its own
Assists clients in providing code-compliant responses
Can Serve Discovery and Responses
Can create Meet & Confer letters
Can use AI to create Meet & Confer letters on its own
Library of attorney-vetted Objection Killers
Uses law firm’s letterhead for Meet & Confer letters
Free trial 30 days, unlimited cases/discovery No credit card required 30 days, Credit card and payment req, money-back if dissatisfied 14 days, Limited to 1 set of Discovery No credit card required Company won’t divulge
Setup fee 0 $249 0 Company won’t divulge
Monthly subscription 0 $495 (5 users) $89 per attorney $49 per paralegal Company won’t divulge
Service charge Free to $10*
Extra users 0 $89 $89 per attorney/mo. $49 per paralegal/mo. Company won’t divulge
Reimbursable charges
Mobile version Coming in 2025
* If Service charges are treated as a reimbursable case cost, it’s free; otherwise it’s $10.


What is AI4Discovery? AI4Discovery combines human intelligence (15+ years fighting and winning discovery battles) and two types of artificial intelligence (expert system and generative) to make discovery easier, faster, and less expensive. It’s the first software capable of creating Requests and Interrogatories and generating Meeting and Confer letters.

It assists lawyers, their staffs, and their clients through the entire discovery process, from creating and serving discovery, to objecting to improper discovery, helping clients provide code-compliant, verified responses, and using its library of attorney-verified “objection killers” to invalidate boilerplate objections in Meet & Confer letters.

It also facilitates teams of attorneys, paralegals, and other staff (including contract or pool workers) to collaborate on cases or support multiple attorneys. And the cost is structured to be a reimbursable case cost rather than a firm cost.*

* This is not legal or financial advice.
What's the best way to learn to use AI4Discovery? Use your free trial to experiment with the software. If you’re unsure how to do something, check out the FAQ. If that doesn't help, get immediate support via the live chat in the lower right corner. And attend our Onboarding sessions every Wednesday at noon (

1. Have 3 email addresses you can access, either colleagues or get free email addresses from GMail. You’re email #1, opposing counsel is email #2, and the client is email #3.

2. As email #1, add a test case using a real Complaint. Add your firm’s letterhead as the Case’s Letterhead and add email #2 (opposing counsel) to the Case’s Service List.

3. As email #1, create and serve discovery on email #2. Try various devices, e.g. Requests for Admission, Form Interrogatories, Requests for Production, etc. A good test is propounding Requests for Admission in conjunction with Form Interrogatories with either No. 17.1 or 217.1 (depending upon whether you’re serving Form Interrogatories—General or Form Interrogatories—Employment) selected. Ask the AI to generate the requests/interrogatories. Edit some of them, delete others, add your own, and serve the discovery.

4. As email #2 (opposing counsel), add email #1 (you) to the Case's Service List.

5. As email #2, assert objections and respond to some of the discovery. Create a Note with instructions for your client by clicking the Note icon in the lower right, just above the Chat icon. Then click the “Client>” button to invite your client to respond.

6. As the email #3 (client), answer some requests/interrogatories, create a Note for the attorney, and click “Attorney>” to return the responses. Sign the Verification.

7. As email #2 (opposing counsel), finish up the responses and serve them upon email #1 (you).

8. As email #1, create a meet and confer regarding email #2's (opposing counsel's) responses. Have the AI generate Objection Killers. Edit some of the Objection Killers, delete others, add some of your own arguments, and serve the Meet & Confer letter.

9. Reverse the process with email #2 (opposing counsel) propounding discovery upon email #1 (you), you respond with objections and answers, invite your client to respond, serve the response, and email #2 sends a Meet & Confer letter.
How much does it cost? There are no setup fees, subscription, monthly, or user charges. There’s a $10 Service Charge for serving discovery, responses, and Meet & Confer letters.
Do you offer a Free Trial? Yes. All Service Charges are waived for your first 10 days. No credit card required.
I don't trust Artificial Intelligence. Can I use AI4Discovery without it? Yes. When you're creating Discovery, objecting to it, or meeting & conferring, you always have the option of telling AI4Discovery not to use AI to create them.
Do you use my data to train the AI? No. Case information is sent to the AI so that it can create relevant, case-specific discovery. But the information is not used for any other purpose.

What is My Profile? Every user has a Profile including their firm name, address, etc.
What is Letterhead? Your firm’s Letterhead. When a Case is created where you’re the Lead Counsel, the Case's Letterhead will inherit your Letterhead (although it can easily be changed).

To add or change the Letterhead, either drag-and-drop a pdf onto the Letterhead section or browse to find it. Once selected, you’ll see the Letterhead with top and bottom margin lines. Drag the lines to indicate the printable portion of the Letterhead, and Save it.
What is Masthead? Your firm’s address for use on pleading paper. When a Case is created where you’re the Lead Counsel, the Case’s Masthead will inherit your Masthead (although the Case's Masthead can be changed without affecting the Lead Counsel's Masthead).
What is Attorneys Teams I'm On? A list of the Attorneys who have added you to their Team. You can create Cases for any of them.
What is Case Teams I'm On? A list of the Cases whose Team you’re on.
What are Saved Cards? Credit cards you’ve provided to pay for Service Charges. If you select “Allow Case Team Members to use the card” any Case Team member can charge Services for that Case to your card.
What are Payment Transactions? If you’ve provided a credit card to pay for Service Charges, this is a list of the charges to the card.
What is Delete My Account? Allows you to delete your AI4Discovery account. Be careful, however, because deletion is permanent; it cannot be undone.

What is the Case List? A list of the Cases whose Team you’re on. You can re-sort by any of the columns. To add a Case, click “Add Case”. To edit a Case, click the green button to the right of the Case. To manage Discovery for a Case, click the red button to the right of the Case.
How do I create a Case? From your Case List, click "Add Case." If you have the Complaint, say “Yes” to import it. AI4Discovery will import the Complaint, analyze the issues, attempt to assign Roles to the Parties, and create the Case. If you don’t have the Complaint, you can manually add the necessary information.
How do I edit a Case? From your Case List, click the green button to the right of the Case you want to edit.
How do I join an existing Case? After you select the Jurisdiction and add the Case Number, AI4Discovery will check whether that Case Number already exists in that Jurisdiction. If so, it will offer you the choice of either joining the existing Case or creating a new one.
How do I add Parties to a Case? From your Case List, click the green button to the right of the Case to which you want to add Parties. This will open the Case Profile. Click “Add” in the Parties section to add a Party. Enter the Party’s Name and select their Role. If you represent the Party, select “Us” for Representation and add the Party’s email address (if you know it). Or, if you don't represent the Party, select “Another Attorney” for the Representation. Then click "Add" to add the Party to the Case.
What is the Lead Counsel? The Lead Counsel is the attorney in charge of the Case. When the Case is created, it inherits the Lead Counsel's Team (but the Case's Team can be changed without affecting the Lead Counsel's Team), Letterhead and Masthead (which can be changed without affecting the Lead Counsel's Letterhead or Masthead).
What is the Masthead? The address for use on pleading paper in the Case. When a Case is created, it inherits the Lead Counsel’s Masthead (although it can easily be changed without affecting the Lead Counsel’s Masthead).
What is the Complaint? The Complaint in the Case. AI4Discovery analyzes it to understand the type of Case, Parties, and the allegations in order to create relevant, case-specific Discovery.
What are the Parties? The Parties in the Case, including their Role, i.e. Plaintiff or Defendant, and who represents them, i.e. Us or Other counsel. To edit a Party, click the green button to the right. To delete a Party, click the red button.
What is the Service List? The list of people who will be served with Discovery and responses in the Case, including their email address, whom they represent, and their client's Role, i.e. Plaintiff or Defendant.
What are Case Charges? The Service Charges for the Case. You can print or create a pdf of them to add to other Case costs.
What is Leave or Delete Case? When you're finished with a Case, you can either Delete or Leave it. If your Team is the only one left in the Case, you can Delete it. However, if another Team is still using the Case, you can Leave it, so it doesn’t appear in your Case List, but you can’t Delete the Case. Only the last attorney in the Case can Delete it.

What is the Case Discovery page? A list of the Served Discovery in the Case along with your Team’s un-Served (in process) Discovery. Only you and the other Case Team members can see your un-Served Discovery. You can resort by any of the columns.

Click the Action menu to the right of any Discovery to see the available actions including, depending upon the Discovery, “View” to view the Discovery; “Import Response” if you propounded the Discovery and opposing counsel responded outside of AI4Discovery; “Supp/Amend” to supplement or amend Served Discovery; “Change Due Date” to change opposing counsel’s date to respond; and “Copy” to re-use the Discovery by copying it to the same or another Case.
What are Definitions? Using Definitions is a good way to minimize legitimate objections. AI4Discovery offers a library them that you and the AI can incorporate into Discovery. To insert a Definition, click the arrow to the left of it. To check for use notes, click the arrow to the right of it.
Can I edit a Definition? No, but you can copy a Definition to one of your "My Notes" and edit it there.
Can I request or suggest a Definition? To request or suggest a Definition, click "Request/Suggest a Definition" at the top of the list of Definitions. If you request a Definition, AI4Discovery staff will attempt to create it. If successful and AI4Discovery staff believe it would be useful for other users, it will be added to the common list of Definitions. If not, it will be added to the list of Definitions just for you.
What is Genuineness of a Document? Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure, section 2033.030, a Request to Admit the Genuineness of a Document does not count toward the 35 Request limit requiring a Declaration for Additional Discovery. If you making such a Request, check the box to let AI4Discovery know not to count the Request when determining if a Declaration for Additional Discovery is required.
What are Generate Requests (or Interrogatories)? Click "Generate Requests (or Interrogatories)" to ask AI4Discovery to generate Requests or Interrogatories for you.
What is Reformat? When you Reformat a Request or Interrogatory, AI4Discovery looks for uncapitalized defined terms, adds the Definitions and capitalizes the defined term as well as fixing other formatting issues. You can click "Reformat" for an individual Request or Interrogatory or click "Reformat All" to Reformat all of them.
Can I insert a field for a new Request or Interrogatory? To insert a blank row above a Request or Interrogatory, click the green up arrow to the right of the Request or Interrogatory. To insert one below, click the green down arrow.
How do I delete a Request or Interrogatory? Check the Delete box to the left of the Request or Interrogatory number then click "Delete Interrogatories [or Requests]" at the bottom of the page.
How do I add more Requests or Interrogatories? At the bottom of the page, click "+ More Interrogatories [or Requests]".
Are electronic signatures legal? Yes, according to California Rules of Court, rule 2.257.

How do I import discovery served on me outside of AI4Discovery? First, make sure you've created or imported the Case. Second, if you haven't already, use AI4Discovery to propound the Discovery (so it knows the requests or interrogatories for which it will receive a response.

Then, from your Case List, click the red Discovery button to the right of the Case for which you want to import discovery which will take you to the Discovery List for the Case. Immediately below "Create Discovery as the:" in the upper right, click Respondent. You can either Import the Discovery or type it in yourself.

How do I respond to Discovery? From your Case List, click the red button to the right of the Case for which you want to respond. This will take you to the Discovery List for the Case. Find the desired Discovery in the List, open the Action menu to the right and select “Respond.”

AI4Discovery will offer to generate Objections for you. If you click "Yes" you can choose between asserting the full Objection to each Request (or Interrogatory) or selecting the Objections you want to assert.

Depending upon the Device, e.g. Form Interrogatories, Requests for Admission, etc., AI4Discovery will recite the Request or Interrogatory and offer both an Objection field and an answer field. For Requests for Admission, you (or your client) will have the options of answering "Admit," "Deny," or "Unable to Admit or Deny."

For Requests for Production of Documents, you (or your client) will have the options of answering "I have responsive documents," "Responsive documents have never existed," "Responsive documents were destroyed," or "Responsive documents were lost, misplaced stolen, or I lack access to them." If you (or your client) has responsive documents, you can drag-and-drop them into the Documents field at the bottom of the page. If you respond "Responsive documents were lost, misplaced stolen, or I lack access to them," you'll be asked for the name and address of anyone you believe has the documents.
How do I respond to Discovery I was served with outside of AI4Discovery? From your Case List, click the red button to the right of the Case for which you were Served with Discovery. This will take you to the Discovery List for the Case. Click "Respondent” in the upper right. If you have a pdf of the Discovery, click "PDF" and import the response. Or click "Manually" to manually enter the Discovery.
What are Objections? A list of Objections that may be valid for the Discovery you're responding to. You can either assert them where appropriate or ask AI4Discovery to assert them for you. To insert an Objection, click the arrow to the left of it. To check for use notes, click the arrow to the right of it.
Can I request or suggest an Objection? To request or suggest an Objection, click "Request/Suggest a Objection" at the top of the list of Objections. If you request a Objection, AI4Discovery staff will attempt to create it. If successful, and AI4Discovery staff believe it would be useful for other users, it will be added to the common list of Objections. If not, it will be added to the list of Objections just for you.
What are My Notes? You can use My Notes to store any text, e.g. Definitions, Objections, Instructions, notes to a client, etc. that you use frequently and want to be able to insert with a click. No one else can see your Notes.
What is the "Client" button? Click the "Client" button to send the client an invitation to respond to the Requests or Interrogatories. The client will not see your Objections. When the client returns their responses, they'll be prompted to Verify them.
Are electronic signatures legal? Yes, according to California Rules of Court, rule 2.257.

How do I import a Response served on me outside of AI4Discovery? From your Case List, click the red Discovery button to the right of the Case for which you want to import a Response. This takes you to the Discovery List for that Case. Open the Action menu to the right of the Discovery for which you received the Response and select "Import Response." You can either Import the Response or type it in yourself.

How do I Meet & Confer about Discovery responses? From your Case List, click the red button to the right of the Case for which you want to Meet & Confer. This will take you to the Discovery List for the Case. Find the Discovery you propounded in the List. Click the small blue arrow to the left of the Discovery's Title to view the responses to the Discovery. Open the Action menu for the response you want to Meet & Confer about and select “Meet & Confer.”

AI4Discovery will display all of Requests or Interrogatories and opposing counsel's responses to them. It will ask if you want the AI to generate Objection Killers (authoritative, well-cited arguments that invalidate boilerplate objections). If so, you can either Propound All or Select the Objection Killers you want to respond with.

Enter your Meet & Confer reply in the Reply field for each Request or Interrogatory. If the Reply field is left blank, that Request or Interrogatory will be excluded from the Meet & Confer letter.
How do I put the Meet & Confer letter on my Letterhead? When a Case is created, the Case's Letterhead is inherited from the Lead Counsel's Letterhead. To change it (or add it if the Lead Counsel didn't have Letterhead), from your Case List, click the green button next to the Case for which you want to add/change the Letterhead. This will open the Case Profile.

On the left side, just below Lead Counsel is "Letterhead." Either drag-and-drop a pdf of your Letterhead there or browse to find it, and add it. Next, you'll see the Letterhead with top and bottom margin lines. Drag the lines to indicate the printable portion of the Letterhead, and Save it.
How do I exclude a Request/Interrogatory from the Meet & Confer letter? If you leave the Reply field blank for a Request/Interrogatory, that Request/Interrogatory will be excluded from the Meet & Confer letter.
Can I request or suggest an Objection Killer? To request or suggest an Objection Killer, click "Request/Suggest an Objection Killer" at the top of the list of Definitions. If you request an Objection Killer, AI4Discovery staff will attempt to create it. If successful and AI4Discovery staff believe it would be useful for other users, it will be added to the common list of Objection Killers. If not, it will be added to the list of Objection Killers just for you.
What are My Notes? You can use My Notes to store any text, e.g. Definitions, Objections, Objection Killers, Instructions, notes to a client, etc. that you use frequently and want to be able to insert with a click. No one else can see your Notes.
Can I edit the Introduction? Yes. And if you have introductory text that you use frequently, you can create a My Note of it so you can insert it with a click.
Can I edit the Demand? Yes. And if you have Demand text that you use frequently, you can create a My Note of it so you can insert it with a click.
What is Reformat? When you Reformat a Reply, AI4Discovery looks for uncapitalized defined terms, adds the Definitions and capitalizes the defined term as well as fixing other formatting issues. You can click "Reformat" for an individual Reply or click "Reformat All" to Reformat all of them.

What’s the difference between “Regular” and “Private Label” service? Regular service includes AI4Discovery branding both on the document and email. However, some people don’t want it known that they’re using AI4Discovery. As one person put it, “I would not like [opposing counsel] to use AI4Discovery on me.”

In response, we added Private Label service where, instead of us serving it, we give you a Word file that you serve, so no one knows you used AI4Discovery. However, while Regular service is just $10 (we subsidize it to gain branding and new users), unsubsidized Private Label service is $25.

What are Teams? There are two types of Teams: Attorney and Case. An attorney's Team consists of the people, e.g. other attorneys, paralegals, etc., who frequently work with the Attorney. A Case's Team are the people working on that specific Case.

When a Case is created, it inherits the Lead Counsel's Team. But the Case's Team can be changed without affecting the Lead Counsel's Team. For example, attorney Smith's Team consists of attorney Jones and paralegal Simmons. When a Case is created with Smith as Lead Counsel, the Case's Team becomes Smith, Jones, and Simmons. If Simmons is on vacation and a contract paralegal, Evans, is taking their place on the Case, any Case Team member can delete Simmons and add Evans to the Case's Team.

All Discovery, responses, and Meet & Confer letters created by anyone on the Case's Team uses the Case Team's Letterhead and Masthead.
How do Teams help contract and pool staff? A Case's Team can have anyone on it, firm attorneys, firm staff, outside contractors, etc. All Discovery, responses, and Meet & Confer letters created by anyone on the Case's Team uses the Case Team's Letterhead and Masthead.

This allows a contract attorney, who has their firm and Letterhead, to work on a Case for our firm while ensuring that their work goes out of the Case's Lead Counsel's Letterhead rather than the contract attorney's own Letterhead. It works the same for pool paralegals who work on Cases for multiple attorneys.