What is the Case List?
A list of the Cases whose Team you’re on. You can re-sort by any of the columns. To add a Case, click “Add Case”. To edit a Case, click the green button to the right of the Case. To manage Discovery for a Case, click the red button to the right of the Case.
How do I create a Case?
From your Case List, click "Add Case." If you have the Complaint, say “Yes” to import it. AI4Discovery will import the Complaint, analyze the issues, attempt to assign Roles to the Parties, and create the Case. If you don’t have the Complaint, you can manually add the necessary information.
How do I edit a Case?
From your Case List, click the green button to the right of the Case you want to edit.
How do I join an existing Case?
After you select the Jurisdiction and add the Case Number, AI4Discovery will check whether that Case Number already exists in that Jurisdiction. If so, it will offer you the choice of either joining the existing Case or creating a new one.
How do I add Parties to a Case?
From your Case List, click the green button to the right of the Case to which you want to add Parties. This will open the Case Profile. Click “Add” in the Parties section to add a Party. Enter the Party’s Name and select their Role. If you represent the Party, select “Us” for Representation and add the Party’s email address (if you know it). Or, if you don't represent the Party, select “Another Attorney” for the Representation. Then click "Add" to add the Party to the Case.
What is the Lead Counsel?
The Lead Counsel is the attorney in charge of the Case. When the Case is created, it inherits the Lead Counsel's Team (but the Case's Team can be changed without affecting the Lead Counsel's Team), Letterhead and Masthead (which can be changed without affecting the Lead Counsel's Letterhead or Masthead).
What is the Masthead?
The address for use on pleading paper in the Case. When a Case is created, it inherits the Lead Counsel’s Masthead (although it can easily be changed without affecting the Lead Counsel’s Masthead).
What is the Complaint?
The Complaint in the Case. AI4Discovery analyzes it to understand the type of Case, Parties, and the allegations in order to create relevant, case-specific Discovery.
What are the Parties?
The Parties in the Case, including their Role, i.e. Plaintiff or Defendant, and who represents them, i.e. Us or Other counsel. To edit a Party, click the green button to the right. To delete a Party, click the red button.
What is the Service List?
The list of people who will be served with Discovery and responses in the Case, including their email address, whom they represent, and their client's Role, i.e. Plaintiff or Defendant.
What are Case Charges?
The Service Charges for the Case. You can print or create a pdf of them to add to other Case costs.
What is Leave or Delete Case?
When you're finished with a Case, you can either Delete or Leave it. If your Team is the only one left in the Case, you can Delete it. However, if another Team is still using the Case, you can Leave it, so it doesn’t appear in your Case List, but you can’t Delete the Case. Only the last attorney in the Case can Delete it.